Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Who’s Who?

Miriam Santiago. Does it ring a bell? Would you visualize a lass with an eyeglasses whom you can find wandering at Education lobby or would you think for a lawyer and politician who is extremely exceptional. My parents named me after her because of her popularity and cleverness. She is one of the most powerful women in the Philippines.
I am so delighted to the fact that I am easily remembered not because of who I really am but because of the person who made my name awfully popular. That every time I passed by my classmates, schoolmates or any one who knew me would blurt out, “Uy! Senadora, wala ba kayong conference?” and I am pleased every time they’d joke me if I am ready to jump off from a helicopter.
I had a professor who always says every time he checked our attendance, “Miriam Santiago na best friend ni Lacson, are you in?” Duh. Does he even know me? I had been connected with lots of politicians. Erap, Lacson, and Arroyo just topped the rest of the list of my buddies, but if they were really my friends, why they didn’t even invite me to their Friendster or Facebook account? Gee. But the best thing that I love about my name is when my professor would expect me to be as articulate and brilliant as her. That if I were called to recite, I should speak fluently and fire hot answers like what Sen. Santiago would say. So what is not to like about my name? I really really love it!
If I would be given a chance to talk to my parents when I was in my mother’s womb, I’ll tell her just name me plain “Mir” or “Iam”. But if they truly wanted “Miriam” for their stunning baby’s name, I wish they named me “Precious Francine Miriam Mitzie R. Santiago”, so there I would not be associated with Sen. Santiago. It would be a cool name!

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