Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Farewell Glance By: Connie Belle Castro Rimada

I look at him,
Yes I did look at his deep set eyes,
Those glances I once wished to be mine,
Just a fleeting moment, I look at him,
Just a moment where I could be with him, alone.

But I can’t be!
It will not be… the way I just want it.
Yes I look at him!
I took a glance on his face, on his eyes,
Eyes now filled with emptiness and longing.

I look at him with shivering heart,
I wanted to touch him, feel him,
Close to me, in my arms,
But I can’t! I just can’t!

I look at him, as he walked away,
I look at him as he turned his back from me.
I look at him, I watched him stepping out,
Out of my life!
I just look at him.

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